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Opportunité de maîtrise au C2MI et 3IT
Compagnie: C2MI / 3IT
Date limite: vendredi, 12 mai 2017
Packaging development for smart liquid cooling in microelectronics
We are currently seeking for a (1) candidate to develop an innovative microelectronic/microfluidic chip packaging. Context: Microelectronics face a major roadblock in its performance development due in part to the limits reached in the cooling management. This requires new compact and efficient cooling strategies to remove the heat inside the chips themselves. The European research consortium on the STREAMS project proposes an innovative and smart thermal management on the chip, employing passive self-adaptive technologies based on a liquid cooled interposer. It exploits passive microstructures to auto-adapt the cooling in time and space in order to satisfy the chip cooling needs and targeting higher cooling efficiencies. Such approach generates some challenges in the microfabrication process in order to gather both the microfluidics and microelectronics within a single device. Therefore, it involves new packaging solutions in order to integrate additional features such as compact fluidic suppling up to the chip and sealing properties, cohabitating with the conventional electronic interconnections. Project Description: The selected candidate will work in the 3IT facilities from Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec), to develop a complete chip packaging combining electric and microfluidic interconnections. The objectives include:
- Developing of a custom PCB (printed circuit board) integrating microfluidics;
- Establishing a package assembly procedure including sealing aspects;
- Establishing specs for the electronic package and to select the most adapted option;
- Characterizing the reliability of the packaged device in regard of thermomechanical and sealing aspects;
- Investigating for design opportunities that are relevant to the microelectronic and microfluidic packaging.
- Centre de Collaboration MiQro Innovation – C2MI (www.c2mi.ca) – A new, purpose built R&D centre for MEMS and advanced packaging with state of the art 200 mm, production worthy tools, focused on bridging the gap from leading edge research to high volume commercial production.
- Université de Sherbrooke (3IT) – Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation – 3IT (3it.ca) – As a leading micro-nanotechnology institute in Canada, the 3IT’s research activities range from the nanomaterials to the applications, in the areas of nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, and MEMS.
- European partners
- France: The Laboratoire d’électronique et de technologie de l’information (Leti) and the Laboratoire d’innovation pour les technologies des énergies nouvelles et les nanomatériaux (Liten), both located in the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) national research center; STMicroelectronics, a multinational in the field of semi-conductor technologies;
- Spain and Germany: IMTEK from the Universität Freiburg and Hahn-Schickard-Gesllschaft research center (Germany); Universitat de Lleida (Spain).
Profile of candidates: The candidates should have obtained a Bachelor degree (or obtain it soon) in mechanical or electrical engineering. Having experience in the areas of chip packaging or related fields would be an asset. She/He should have demonstrated autonomy, adaptability, the ability for teamwork and being pro-active. The candidates should have good language skills in English and/or in French. To submit our application, please send your detailed CV + letter of motivation + letters of recommendation + samples of publications (or thesis) by email to the addresses below. Start date: As soon as candidates are available; positions open until exceptional candidates are identified. Contacts: Prof. Luc Fréchette, Université de Sherbrooke, Luc.Frechette@usherbrooke.ca