General Lab

General Lab

Electrical tests laboratory / Lab opto / General Lab

General Lab

Supplier :

Model :

Purpose :

Laboratory for the characterization and evaluation of optoelectronic modules and subassemblies.


3 optical table 8x4ft.  Thorlabs Ultra plus series, PTR52509

Various range of fixturing, stages, positioners, holders, etc, for setting up experiments

Optoelectronic measurement equipment:  BERT, LCA, Oscilloscope, Lightwave multichannel system, and custom characterization tool.  Detailed description provided for each equipment.  See other word docs.

OSA.  Optical spectrum Analyser.  Agilent 86142B

High precision 10nm 6-axis automated stages.  Thorlabs Nanomax606

Goniometric Radiometer Farfield Profiler: Photon Inc. – LD8900/InGaAs

Mobile Microscope: Leica F12L, several objectives, integrated HD camera, various lighting options

Optical power meter Newport 2936-C.  With various detectors.

Laser controller systems.  ILX current controller (LDX-3220), ILX temp controller (LDT-5948), laser mounts.

Various butterfly pkg lasers (850nm, 1310nm, 1490nm, 1550nm)

Receivers.  Newport 1414 and 1434.  U2t differential DPRV2322AD-FC

Optical sets from Newport:  Optiset-1 and Optiset-2

Laser modulators.  EOspace 10-20Gbps and 40+Gbps.  1310/1550nm.

Various optical lighwave probes by Cascade microsystems

Various Agilent power supplies

IR camera: Alpha ICI NIR (InGaAs)

Various other cameras available

Various illumination systems

Large range of objectives and zoom lens

To obtain more information about this equipment, email us !



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