Gestion Emerillon Capital Inc.

Business profile

Service offering

Created in Montreal in January 2013, Emerillon Capital is a new $100M venture capital fund. Emerillon Capital emerged from a strong transatlantic partnership between Groupe Crédit Mutuel – CIC and Mouvement Desjardins, two prestigious institutions with similar structures and a long history of doing business together.
From the combination of their respective strengths and experiences emerged this new player, Emerillon Capital, to support and develop technology companies in Canada (mainly in Quebec and Ontario) and the northeastern USA.

Management of the partnership Emerillon Capital is delegated to VCIC Inc., a Canadian subsidiary of CM-CIC Capital Finance, main sponsor behind the strategy and business model of the fund.



Emerillon is specialized in equity (or quasi-equity) investments and support of companies with strong technological expertise:

  • In their early development phases: pre-revenue, commercial start-up and first expansion
  • In promising technology sectors with strong potential for growth, like information technology and communication, health/medical, clean technologies, security/defence…
  • Primarily located in Quebec, Ontario and the northeastern United States.

Investment size: from $0,5 to $5M

Investment term: 7 to 9 years with reinvestments in following rounds

Our main investment criteria:

  • Quality of management team
  • Strong technological barrier (intellectual property and/or know-how)
  • Competitive advantage
  • Market and international growth potential
  • Long term project viability

2, Complexe Desjardins – Tour Est, bureau 1717
Montréal, Québec
Canada, H5B 1B8

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