Eco-responsibility is based on the integration of the 3RV-E hierarchy (reduce at source, reuse, recycle, recover, dispose) and the notion of the life cycle of products and services. This last notion implies taking into account the environmental, economic and social impacts of a product or service in order to find the right balance.
C2MI is initiating a planning process that will enable :
- Equip itself with the right tools to measure and analyze its environmental impact
- Accelerate the commercialization of enabling technologies.
- Reduce energy consumption and the use of raw materials in its products and services
- To replace or reduce the use of materials with a high environmental impact
- Continue our efforts to better recover and recycle our waste and reuse water during the production cycle.
More information to come.
To collaborate with C2MI on these projects or to learn more, please contact us: info@c2mi.ca